Carson Valley Women's Golf Club



Tournament Games Dictionary

Below are the details and description of 34 Tournament Games we draw from when setting up the annual Club Tournament Schedule which can be found on the Calendar page of this website.

2 Person Alternate Shot          AKA: Foursomes

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: No     Handicap: None     Pace: Fast

Alternate shot is just what is sounds like. Teammates play just one ball between them and take turns hitting alternating shots until the ball is holed. Prior to playing the first hole, the teammates determine which player will tee off on the odd numbered holes leaving the other player with the even numbered holes.

2 Person Scramble          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: No     Handicap: Team Average     Pace: Fast

Scramble tournaments involve teams of 2, 3, or 4 golfers. In a Scramble tournament each team member tees off on every hole. After the initial tee shots, the team selects the best team shot and then each team member plays their next shot from that spot (a set number of tee shots, 2, 3 or 4 must be used by each team member during the round). This continues throughout the rest of the shots on the hole including putting. A player is allowed to place the ball within one club length of the spot of the best shot (one club head length on the green), but not nearer to the hole. Low gross and net team scores determine flighted winners.

3 Clubs & A Putter          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: No     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

Before play, each player selects any 3 clubs plus a putter with which to play the upcoming round. All other clubs must be removed from their bag. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

4 Person Scramble          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: No     Handicap: Team Avg     Pace: Fast

Scramble tournaments involve teams of 2, 3, or 4 golfers. In a Scramble tournament each team member tees off on every hole. After the initial tee shots, the team selects the best team shot and then each team member plays their next shot from that spot (a set number of tee shots, 2, 3 or 4 must be used by each team member during the round). This continues throughout the rest of the shots on the hole including putting. A player is allowed to place the ball within one club length of the spot of the best shot (one club head length on the green), but not nearer to the hole. Low gross and net team scores determine flighted winners.

Back Nine          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Slow

Only the gross scores on the back nine holes will count toward game. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Best 15 Holes          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: 83%     Pace: Slow

Best 15 gross scores used to determine winners with low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Best Ball          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

In a round of best ball golfers will be grouped as 2, 3 or 4-member teams and will compete together against the other teams in the field. Only one ball - and thus one score - counts per hole for each team and the team with the lowest total score for the round wins the tournament.


Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

Individual format for 2, 3 or 4 players. A player receives one point for each of the following;

  • First ball on the green - BINGO.
  • Closest to the pin once everyone is on the green -BANGO.
  • First ball in the hole - BONGO.
The player that is furthest away from the hole must always play first. First on, closest to the pin, and first in determines who wins on each hole. The player to accumulate the most points wins.

Blind Nine          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Slow

Nine holes are randomly selected after all players tee off. Total of the selected 9 holes are used for gross score. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Cha Cha Cha          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

Team game with at least 3 players per team. On the first hole record the best score, on the second hole record the combined best 2 scores and on the 3rd hole record the combined best 3 scores. Repeat the process through remaining holes. Low gross and net team scores determine flighted winners. Alternate method - Use one best score for the first six holes, two best scores for the second six holes and three best scores for the final six holes.

Chapman          AKA: Pinehurst

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: Maybe     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

The "Chapman System" is a tournament format involving 2-person teams. Chapman merges the styles of several formats into one. To start, each team member takes a tee shot, then teammates switch balls, playing the ball of their teammate for their second shot. The team then selects the best of their second shot and plays from that spot, the player whose shot was not selected must play the third shot, this means teams may choose their best ball based on who will hit the next shot. After the third shot the team alternates shots until the ball is holed. Low gross and net team scores determine flighted winners.

Combined Net          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

Teams can be 2 or 4 players. The team with the lowest combined "net" score is the winner.

Count Your Putts          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

Count only your putts. Players with lowest putt count after the round win. Putts only count if the putt is from the green surface. If a putt goes off the green the next stroke from off the green is not counted as a putt. Once the ball is back on the green the putt count resumes. Record gross score and number of putts for each hole.

Tip -
At the conclusion of each hole announce your score in a "Gross/Putts" format. For example;

  • 41 - gross strokes = 4, with 1 putt.
  • 83 - gross strokes = 8 with 3 putts.
  • 20 - gross strokes = 2 with 0 putts (a chip-in).


Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Slow

Take the handicap strokes where they fall by popping the card. After completing 18 holes, the player will select the better net score of 2 specified holes, (i.e. hole 1 or 10, hole 2 or 11, 3 or 12, etc.). Total nine net scores and circle the total.

Note -
The 2 specified holes may be randomized in which case they will be predetermined by the committee.

Eclectic          AKA: Ringers

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: No     Handicap: Full     Pace: Normal

A Eclectic tournament is a multi-round tournament that takes the best scores a player (or team) has made on each hole over the course of the multiple rounds. These tournaments can be played in Stroke Play format or Stableford format. Normally in a Eclectic tournament, the player (or team) play the same course and tee in every round. Because this is not always the case, Stroke Play Eclectic tournaments are always scored relative to par. Note - each round may be posted according the posting guidelines for Stroke Play and Stableford games. The Eclectic itself is not postable.

Even Front - Odd Back          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: 44%     Pace: Slow

Add gross scores for even holes on the front nine (2, 4, 6, 8) and odd holes on the back nine (11, 13, 15, 17). Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Even Holes          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Slow

Add gross scores together on all even holes only. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Front Nine          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Slow

Only the gross scores on the front nine holes will count toward game. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.


Format: Match Play    Players: Teams    Postable: No     Handicap: None     Pace: Slow

Each foursome consists of two, two golfer teams where team members alternate turns at playing the same ball and compete against the other team in the group. All four golfers will hit on the first tee box. Teammates will then elect which one of their two balls came to rest in the best location, which will be hit next. The golfer who has hit it there will let his teammate hit the second shot and they will alternate as such until their one ball is holed out. After each hole, the best scores of both teams are compared and the team with the lowest score is said to have won the hole. Wins = 1 point, ties = 1/2 point and loss = 0 points. The same thing occurs for every hole until the match ends. Play may end early when trailing team is mathematically unable to catch the leading team.


Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

After everyone gets on the green and regardless of the number of strokes, the player closest to the hole gets 3 points, the next player closest to the hole gets 2 points, the next player closest to the hole gets 1 point and the player farthest from the hole gets 0 points. Total the points for all eighteen holes and pay the winner.

Match Play          

Format: Match Play    Players: Indv-Teams    Postable: Maybe     Handicap: Full     Pace: Fast

Match play is a hole-by-hole competition where the golfer or team that has the best net score on the individual hole wins. Points are awarded for each hole with 1 point for a win, 0 points for a loss and a half point for ties. To start the match flip for honors. Rules that are to be followed include, but are not limited to;

  1. Tee honors are observed throughout the match.
  2. Furthest from the hole hits first regardless of whether the ball is on or off the green. For pace of play, this rule may be modified to begin when an agreed upon distance to the green is reached.
  3. Concede the hole if a hole cannot be won based on current stroke count/pops and record score as most likely score (actual strokes + most likely strokes need to hole out) with an "x" notation (e.g. 9x).
The player or team who wins the most points throughout the match is the winner.

In match play you are going up against your opponent in head to head competition. Individual scores may be postable if the "most likely" scoring guidelines, as set forth in point 3 above, are followed.

Modified Stableford          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Indv-Teams    Postable: Maybe     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

May be team or individual play. Each player is given a quota based on handicap. The quota is calculated by subtracting the course handicap of a player from teh max handicap being used, say 40 (e.g., if your course handicap is 21, your quota would be 19 [40 -21 = 19]). Players with a higher handicap will have a lower quota. The maximum handicap allowed is 40. One may have a higher handicap, but if playing, must play to a 40 handicap.

Points are earned based on the gross score on each hole as follows:

  • Double Bogey = 1 point
  • Bogey = 2 points
  • Par = 4 points
  • Birdie = 6 points
  • Eagle = 8 points
After each hole, record the gross score and note the number of points earned if any (e.g., on a par 3 a player with a gross 4 earning 2 points for a bogey would record a 4/2 or on a par 4 a player with a 7 earning no points for a triple bogey would record a 7/0). After scores are totaled for the game any points over the quota are a plus for the team/individual; any points less than the quota are a minus for the team/individual. In a team format, the best three of the four team scores are counted.

Odd Front - Even Back          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half - 56%     Pace: Slow

Add gross scores for odd holes on the front nine (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and even holes on the back nine (10, 12, 14, 16, 18). Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Odd Holes          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Slow

Add gross scores together on all odd holes only. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Par 3 Tournament          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: No     Handicap: None     Pace: Fast

In a par 3 tournament each hole will be set up as a par 3. On all par 4 and 5 holes the tee box must be setup at a par 3 distance (usually at around +/-100 yards) from the hole. The location of these tees should be from a point along the side of the fairway and all should have clear shots to the green. On Par 4 holes, the yellow tees may be used if they fall within a normal par 3 distance.

Par 3s & 5s          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: No     Handicap: Half - 56%     Pace: Slow

Add gross scores for par 3s and par 5s only. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Pink Lady          AKA: Devil Ball / Money Ball / Lone Ranger

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

In a Pink Lady tournament, teams are comprised of four golfers. On each hole, one of those four golfers plays a pink golf ball (hence the name Pink Lady). The golfers tee off and play best-ball format, and on each hole the following two scores are combined for the team score;

  1. Low score among the three golfers using their regular golf balls.
  2. The score of the golfer who played the pink golf ball on the hole.
Losing the pink ball will result one of the following:
  • Team disqualification from tournament.
  • 2 stroke penalty for each occurrence.

Play the Middle          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Slow

Total the players score for holes 4-12, 5-13 or 6-14


Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: No     Handicap: Full     Pace: Fast

A Shamble format tournament can be played with teams of 2, 3, or 4. In a Shamble each golfer tees off on every hole. The team then selects their best drive and each team member plays their second shot from there. After the second shot each golfer plays their own ball for the remainder of the hole. For example, players A & B are on a team, both A & B tee off, A hits the better drive so they select to take their second shot from the spot where the ball of player A lies. Both A & B hit from that spot, and then play their own balls throughout the rest of the hole. Low gross and net team scores determine flighted winners.


Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Half     Pace: Normal

The Skins Game format can be played individually or as teams. For a Skins Game each hole is worth a skin. The golfer with the lowest score on a hole wins the skin. If two or more players tie then no skin is awarded, instead the skin is carried over to the next hole. The player who earns the most skins at the end is the winner.

Additionally, you can also award skins for achievements on each hole such as;

  • Greenie - Landing a tee shot onto the green.
  • Sandies - For making a par after a sand save.
  • Woodies - For saving par after hitting a tree.
  • Arnies - For making par without hitting the fairway.
You can add your own variations as well.

String Game - 4 Person Scramble          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Teams    Postable: No     Handicap: Team Average     Pace: Fast

Before play each team is issued a 4-foot length of string. Each team member tees off on every hole. After the initial tee shots, the team selects the best tee shot (a set number of tee shots, 2, 3 or 4 must be used by each team member during the round) and then each team member plays their next shot from that spot (within one club length no closer to the hole). This continues throughout the rest of the shots on the hole including putting. When putting a team may consider a "close" putt as holed by cutting off a length of string equal to the distance from the edge for the ball to the edge of the cup and discarding that length of string. Low gross and net team scores determine flighted winners.

Stroke Play          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

Add gross score for each hole. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.

Tee to Green          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: Yes     Handicap: Full     Pace: Slow

Count the number of strokes from the tee to the green (fairway strokes). Record gross score and number of fairway strokes for each hole. Players with lowest stroke count after round win. Tip - at the conclusion of each hole announce your score in a "Gross/Fairway" format (e.g., 43 - gross strokes = 4, with 3 fairway strokes, 44 - 4 gross strokes and 4 fairway strokes with a chip-in. Remember, a fairway stroke is any stroke not taken from the green surface).

White, Red and Yellow          

Format: Stroke Play    Players: Individual    Postable: No     Handicap: None     Pace: Fast

On the first hole, tee off from the White tee. On the second hole tee off from the Red tees. On the third hole, tee off form the Yellow tees. Repeat the tee pattern through all 18 holes. Low gross and net individual scores determine flighted winners.